Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Berm 3 is ready to ride

I don't have any photos, because I got rained out tonight, but the third berm is shaped and packed and ready for wheels.  It was misting and about 70 degrees tonight, very nice to work in, but it started raining harder, and that clay is too slick.

The berm is a little too steep in the middle I think, and I want to add a roller to the beginning, but it needs to be ridden before I know exactly where to put it. 

Anyway, its covered in plastic for now, and I hope it clears up tomorrow evening.  only have the last straight to clean up.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

About half way there!

Got the first straight and first roller as dialed as I can until the rest of the track is complete.  The track is already very fun to ride and flowing very well.

The last pump track was fast, and had great berms, but did not really flow all that well.  I want the transitions into berms and from roller to roller to feel perfect on this track.  I know there will be changes with more and more riding, but for now, I am very happy with the way its riding now, and it think it will be very fast too.

Didn't get as much done this week as I wanted, but I did finish up the second berm tonight.  I had planned to have doubleable rollers between the second and third berms, but I think it may be a little tight for that.  There will be plenty of speed though, so that is good.

It was past dark before I could get any photos, but the results were pretty nice.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Got most of the first straight shaped up today

Today was a good day, nice and cool to get some work done.

I packed the top berm in pretty well.  Lots of water and then waiting, then more water, packing, and repeat.

The first straight has a large roller out of the berm, then a series of 5 rollers that form a big camel back type set that I kind of modeled from the sea otter course from this year.  I hope that there will be double options on this line.  I do know that it will be fast and the berm at the end will need to be perfect to handle the g's.

My son was all over the place on the Strider bike today.  Lots of the dirt is getting smooth, even away from the completed track areas.  I believe with the size and height of the rollers and berms, there will be lots of fun options for entry/exit to the track as well as the interior figure 8.

Hope to get started on that berm tomorrow.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Progress from the new Pump track

So I took the holiday break opportunity to get this started.  This work was done over two days with one person on a bob cat.  About 60-80 yards moved.  Glad to see that I have plenty of extra in the center to work with my figure 8 design.

These photos show the sequence so far.

Moving the pump track

Decided that the 3 complete floods over the past year and a half were not worth the work.

I am moving the pump track to a higher elevation (my back yard).  Wife isn't very happy, but I think with the experience I have now, and the layout I have planned, it will be much better.

The majority of my time now is spent maintaining, and with the new plans, I will have a better balance of riding to working.

The track was going to be patterned after the Lee McCormick design for this years sea otter pro race, but I have a 3 year old, and didn't think it would work best for him.   I have a 80-ft by 35-ft design with a kidney bean shape and a future figure 8 inside.

I will post photos and any deep thoughts I have along the way.